Welcome to the PATH Data Exchange (PDX)!
This portal is only for SAMHSA Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) grantees and PATH-funded providers. PATH providers are required to submit their PATH Annual Report through PDX each year. State PATH Contacts may also require their providers to submit progress reports through PDX. PDX also offers a Resource Library with a variety of resources for providers and State PATH Contacts.
If you are a PATH provider and need a PDX account, please contact your supervisor or State PATH Contact to request an account. If you are a new State PATH Contact and need a PDX account, please email pathpdx@prainc.com to request an account.
Trouble Logging In?
If you are having difficulties logging in or resetting your password, or have general questions about PDX, please email pathpdx@prainc.com. Privacy Policy Vulnerability Disclosure Policy